How To Enjoy Chinese Classical Poems.
For Chinese classical poems , there were certain “unspoken” set format , the meaning in expression consisting of phrases/ clauses of either 3 or 4 or 5 or 7 characters per line. Rhyming or not was not important. These were common guideline and also a popular trend different from one dynasty than the others. Simply because of trend/fashion depending on political and social state.
In ancient time, poems were one very essential mode of expression of thoughts and feeling, could be political, social ( protest on issues ) ,personal (like diary or BLOGG),confidential communication and EDUCATION to the public at large. To the lay readers they MIGHT/MAY read them SIMPLY LIKE COMICS NOWADAYS. Yes they WERE comparable to NOWADAY COMICS, nevertheless it only take a CAREFUL and THOUGHTFUL readers to ciphers the content, likewise for the writer it WAS both a SKILLFUL AND PAINFUL task. With these in mind then only one can REALise the TRUE sentiments and appreciate the value of the writing . In fact there is one Chinese common proverb: IN THE POEM(writing /calligraphy) WE PERCEIVE PICTURES and IN PICTURE WE PERCIEVE THE POEM. In short , POEM=CALLIGRAPHY=PAINTING all the three should be consistent in THE ORIGINAL SENSES. THE FUNDAMENTAL CRITIRIA: once such objective is fulfilled—THIS IS BEAUTY!!!
THE FUSION OF A POEM , A CALLIGRAPHY and A PAINTING as ALL IN ONE IN CONOTATION AND DENOTATION---On a Piece Of Paper!. Hence I conclude that ; In daily life I would value AS THE MASTER PIECE OF ANY Chinese art whenever the elements of a good painting contains the elements of good calligraphy and elements of good poem!(and VICE-VERSA)
After saying the above sentence , I sincerely find myself still ELEMENTARY in CHINESE ART. The beauty in the mystery. In that mystery we can keep on looking to unlock the hiden beauty--All in words and pictures . My friend, truly this is DREAM—You may call me OUT OF REALITY. But I enjoy/REALise the experience of THE RAIN AND RAINFALL! which is hard to share ( If I have a choice like you , I prefer to go with you like anybody to the swimming pool)Yes, I live in this world, but the “problem” is I do not conform(rigidly=deadly) to this particular world like anybody, because there are MANY BEAUTIES AN D MYSTERIES in MANY WORLDS(The known/unknown, tangible/intangible).
[ Note: The elements of CONOTATION of beauty also applies to MUSIC AND DANCE] . In practical daily life, supposing someone wants to get a good Chinese Art for hanging in the hall for himself or as a special gift is formidable task. Imagine the picture must consist of beautiful/meaningful elements of PAINTING+POEM+CALLIGRAPHY +SEALS all in a piece of materieal. Such a craft can only be produced by a person who is a “genius” as ingenious PAINTER, CALLIGRAPHER and POET. Therefore usually he could start off by buying a good(meaningful/beautiful as he PERCEIVES)PAINTING , then takes it to someone for a POEM, and get the poem written by a PROFFESSIONAL CALLIGRAPHER with all the SEALS by all these experts as evidence of authencity. The joke is along the process the perception by all these experts varies among themselves and the owner ORIGINAL PERCEPTION AND INTENTION.
Hi friend, This is the BEAUTY ivolves MANY COMPLICACIES!
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