原鄉人: 我張開一雙翅膀背馱著一個希望飛過那陌生的城池去到我嚮往的地方 在曠野中我嗅到芬芳從泥土裡我攝取營養為了吐絲蠶兒要吃桑葉為了播種花兒要開放我走過叢林山崗也走過白雪茫茫看到了山川的風貌也聽到大地在成長(A)Tittle: The country person: I strectched out the pair of wings carrieng the only hope Hovered over the strange pond To arrive my dreamed destination. In the wilderness I smelt the fragance From the soil I assimilated the nutrients For the silkworm need eating mulbery leaves For the Sowed seed to blosoom the folwer I waded over woods and mountain Also crossing endless expanse of snow I have witness the virgin wood beauty. Also gotthe news MOTHER LAND is growing. [MichaelSNE Translation]