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i got the world (in my hands) Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket =============================================== 想法开放是和平希望

Video1=Grant Me The China Heart. Video2=I Love You China 我爱你中国 - Performed by Heidi Fielding, soprano, during the Los Angeles Chinese Musicians Ensemble Chorus 2007 China Concert Tour. Heidi is also an active member of the Camerata of Los Angeles Chorus and Orchestra (Directed by Dr. H. Vincent Mitzelfelt). Video 3=Seven Step Poem In The Three Kingdom七步詩—(曹植) 煮豆持1作羹,漉豉以為汁。萁在釜下燃,豆在釜中泣。本是同根生,相煎何太急。 "Romance of the Three Kingdoms三国演义"-七步诗 figuratively portrays the disagreement between Mainland China and Taiwan! Cao Zhi (Chinese: 曹植192 -- 232) was a Chinese poet during the late Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms period. His poetry style, greatly revered during the Jin Dynasty and Southern and Northern Dynasties, came to be known as the jian'an style. Cao Zhi was also the son of the powerful warlord Cao Cao. Together with his elder brother Cao Pi, they were the strongest contestants for their father's position. Cao Pi eventually succeeded Cao Cao in 220 and within a year declared himself the first emperor of the Kingdom of Wei. Like many powerful families, tension among brothers was high. In his later life, Cao Zhi was not allowed to meddle in politics, despite his many petitions to seek office. After the death of Cao Cao, Cao Zhi failed to turn up for the funeral. Men sent by Cao Pi found Cao Zhi drunk in his own house. Cao Zhi was then bound and brought to Cao Pi. When Empress Bian, their common birth mother, heard of this, she went to Cao Pi and pled for the life of her younger son. Cao Pi agreed. However, Cao Pi's Chief Secretariat (相国) Hua Xin then convinced him to put Cao Zhi's literary talent to a test. If Cao Zhi failed the test, it would be excuse enough to put him to death, Hua Xin suggested. Cao Pi agreed and held audience with Cao Zhi, who in great trepidation bowed low and confessed his faults. On the wall there was a painting of two oxes fighting, and one of them was falling into a well. Cao Pi then told his brother to make a poem based on the painting within seven paces. However, the poem was not to contain explicit reference to the subjects of the drawing. Cao Zhi took seven paces as instructed, and the poem was already formulated in his heart. He then recited: They were boiling beans with fire by buring the beanstalk , There came the weeping from the pot. 煮豆燃豆萁,豆在釜中泣。 "O why, since we sprang from the selfsame root and selfsame stalk. Should you kill me with anger hot?" 本是同根生,相煎何太急! Reconstruct by MICAHELSNE from original Translation by C. H. Brewitt-Taylor Having heard this, Cao Pi was moved to tears. He then let his brother go after merely degrading the peerage of the latter as a punishment. This video should remind Mainland China and Taiwan:Not to commit the sin like CAIN-ABEL tragedy, we have to learn from history even within each idividual family,ALL BASICALLY BECAUSE OF MONEY(prosperity)! What is that each one to sacrife some previleges and liberty? If one's brother is blessed rather than fight with him for "whatever equality"?! zhǔ dòu rán dòu qí 煮 豆 燃 豆 萁 //,lù chǐ yǐ wéi zhī 漉 豉 以 为 汁 。// qí zài fǔ xià rán萁 在 釜 下 燃 ,// dòu zài fù zhōng qì豆 在 釜 中 泣 。// běn shì tóng gēn shēng本 是 同 根 生 ,// xiāng jiān hé tài jí相 煎 何 太 急 。// 作者背景 曹植(192-232),字子建,曹操第四子,沛国谯(今安徽亳县)人,著名诗人。少年时就很有才华,得到曹操的喜爱,因此受到他的哥哥曹丕的猜忌,后来郁郁而死。他的诗语言精练,词采优美,是建安时期的代表诗人。 注词释义 釜:古代的炊具,相当于现在的锅。 萁:豆秆。 漉:过滤。 豉:豆豉。用煮熟的大豆发酵后制成,有咸、淡两种,供调味用。 古诗今译 煮豆子燃烧的是豆秆,过滤豆豉做成了豆浆。豆秆在灶下焚烧,豆子在锅里哭泣。本是生在同一根上,煎熬我何必这么着急! 名句赏析——“本是同根生,相煎何太急。” 曹丕和曹植本是亲兄弟,曹植少年时就很聪明,能出口成章,下笔千言。曹丕当了皇帝以后,怕曹植威胁自己的地位,想迫害曹植,有一次让曹植在七步之内做成一首诗,否则就把他处死。曹植应声而起,没走到七步就做好了这首诗。曹植把自己比喻成锅里的豆子,把曹丕比喻成锅下面的豆秆。豆子和豆秆本来是生长在同一根上,现在豆秆却在锅下面燃烧,煎熬锅里的豆子,而锅里的豆子无力反抗。曹植用这个比喻,暗指曹丕我与你是亲生兄弟,应该是骨肉情深,真诚相至,但现在却是骨肉相残,表达了内心的悲愤。相传曹丕听了面有惭色。这首诗比喻贴切,用语巧妙,通俗易懂而又含义深长。


同一个世界同一个梦想 One world, one dream 梦想是无边的沙漠被海浪一夜间溅绿///世界上所有的哭泣都回放成快乐歌曲///梦想是古老的文字舞动在北京的天空///世界上所有的语言都传说着一次欢聚///One world, one dream///同一个世界同一个梦想///梦想是冰冷的枪弹都散落成花瓣翻飞///世界上所有的角落都同时阳光明媚/// 梦想是我们都能一日千里一跃上蓝天///世界上所有的生命都为自己欢呼助威///One world, one dream///同一个世界同一个梦想///One world, one dream///同一个世界同一个梦想///One world, one dream///同一个世界同一个梦想///One world, one dream/// 同一个世界同一个梦想///One world, one dream///同一个世界同一个梦想///One world, one dream///同一个世界同一个梦想/// One world, one dream LISTEN TO THIS SONG CLICK HERE===>XXXX

LEARN MANDARIN IN MY BLOG AS I HAVE PLANED FOR YOUR LEARNING ,click to enter: http://mandarinmichaelsne.blogspot.com/


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Chinese Classical Dance And Chinese Violin(Erhu),Flute,Pipa, guzheng(古筝) Performance.

Chinese Classical Dance (TOP right) Erhu Accompanied By Piano(TOP left)

Sometimes known in the West as the “Chinese violin” or “Chinese two-string fiddle,” Erhu is a two-stringed bowed musical instrument, used as a solo instrument as well as in small ensembles and large orchestras.
The Erhu consists of a long vertical stick-like neck, at the top of which are two large tuning pegs, and at the bottom is a small resonator body (sound box) which is covered with python skin on the front (playing) end. Two strings are attached from the pegs to the base, and a small loop of string (qian jin) placed around the neck and strings acting as a nut pulls the strings towards the skin, holding a small wooden bridge in place
. [wikipedia]

[BOTTOM Left Video]performed by Lu Chunling, Li Yi, Xu Fengxia and Zhang Zhenfang in Amsterdam - presented by www.flogoe.blogspot.com

The two stars of the ensemble are the 85 year old Lu Chunling (standing on the picture with his flute) and the 72 year old Li Yi (sitting, holding his banjo). Lu is a master of the bamboo flute. His instrument and virtuosity lead him to play in front of well known people as Queen Elizabeth II and Mao Zedong. The lively and lovely grandpa told the audience during the performance that he has been in the Netherlands 50 years ago, quite some things have changed since his first visit, when he was in his mid-30s. Li Yi is a recognized player of the Chinese banjo. Xu Fengxia (behind her citer on the picture) and Zhang Zhenfang were contributing to the great performance with their instruments, the citer and the erhu.
[BOTTOM Right Video] "The Spring on the Tianshan Mountaon" (天山之春), composed by the renowned pipa master Wang Fandi (王范地), is one of the famous piece from Xinjiang uyghur folk (dance) music (新疆民歌).
Xinjiang (Northwest of China) is located right on the "silk road", which played an important role in the commercial and cultural exchanges between the east and the west.
(musique de la route de la soie, del'ouest de la Chine)
The current piece is originally for pipa solo. In this demo video, pipa soloist Liu Fang performed with percussionist Ziya Tabassian (from Persia, now in Montreal), concert live recording.
古筝 guzheng performance by BEI BEI and The 12 GIRLS BAND on 瑶族舞曲

中國廣播民族樂團 -《湘西風情》 2003年维也纳中国新春音乐会 指挥 彭家鹏 演奏 维也纳国家民族歌剧院乐团

Many more videos for enjoyment on ORCHESTRAL MUSIC, check in here==>XXX ( That is my blog http://classmusicmichaelsne.blogspot.com/)

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