Sometimes known in the West as the “Chinese violin” or “Chinese two-string fiddle,” Erhu is a two-stringed bowed musical instrument, used as a solo instrument as well as in small ensembles and large orchestras.
The Erhu consists of a long vertical stick-like neck, at the top of which are two large tuning pegs, and at the bottom is a small resonator body (sound box) which is covered with python skin on the front (playing) end. Two strings are attached from the pegs to the base, and a small loop of string (qian jin) placed around the neck and strings acting as a nut pulls the strings towards the skin, holding a small wooden bridge in place. [wikipedia]
[BOTTOM Left Video]performed by Lu Chunling, Li Yi, Xu Fengxia and Zhang Zhenfang in Amsterdam - presented by
The two stars of the ensemble are the 85 year old Lu Chunling (standing on the picture with his flute) and the 72 year old Li Yi (sitting, holding his banjo). Lu is a master of the bamboo flute. His instrument and virtuosity lead him to play in front of well known people as Queen Elizabeth II and Mao Zedong. The lively and lovely grandpa told the audience during the performance that he has been in the Netherlands 50 years ago, quite some things have changed since his first visit, when he was in his mid-30s. Li Yi is a recognized player of the Chinese banjo. Xu Fengxia (behind her citer on the picture) and Zhang Zhenfang were contributing to the great performance with their instruments, the citer and the erhu.
[BOTTOM Right Video] "The Spring on the Tianshan Mountaon" (天山之春), composed by the renowned pipa master Wang Fandi (王范地), is one of the famous piece from Xinjiang uyghur folk (dance) music (新疆民歌).
Xinjiang (Northwest of China) is located right on the "silk road", which played an important role in the commercial and cultural exchanges between the east and the west.
(musique de la route de la soie, del'ouest de la Chine)
The current piece is originally for pipa solo. In this demo video, pipa soloist Liu Fang performed with percussionist Ziya Tabassian (from Persia, now in Montreal), concert live recording.
古筝 guzheng performance by BEI BEI and The 12 GIRLS BAND on 瑶族舞曲
中國廣播民族樂團 -《湘西風情》 2003年维也纳中国新春音乐会 指挥 彭家鹏 演奏 维也纳国家民族歌剧院乐团
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